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Helping Seniors After the Loss of a Spouse

The loss of a loved one is difficult. But the loss of a spouse or life partner is more than difficult -- it changes your entire world. When you shar...

5 Tips That Can Help You When Selling Your Home

For most of us ordinary people, our homes are the most valuable thing we own. It makes a lot of sense that we tend to invest a great deal in the sale ...

Selling an Inherited House: The Stress-Free Guide

Inheriting a house from a loved one can be a wonderful gift and a challenging situation to navigate all at the same time. Depending on the circumstanc...

How to Smoothly Transition a Loved One Into Assisted Living

When the time comes to help a loved one transition into assisted living, the options can be overwhelming, making an emotionally and financially fraugh...

Stress and Seniors

It doesn’t matter how old you are. As we mature the causes of stress may change but certainly, they do not diminish. It could be different things like...

Deciding When to Help Your Parents Declutter

Caring for your family can bring joy to your life. If you are caring for your parents and children, this can become complex. As your parents age, thei...

Sandwiched Between Stuff: Combating Clutter

A healthy home is important for any family. If you are a Sandwich Gen Caregiver that could include your children and parents too. Clutter-free homes a...

The “Move Grandma Now” Checklist

Without a comprehensive plan, families often scramble to identify and qualify the various resources needed to manage a move for senior loved ones. The...

Four Daily Exercises for Seniors

These easy exercises you can do at home will quickly improve your strength, mobility and balance if you do them every day.It can be frustrating when w...
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